You can’t help but raise an eyebrow over the band name. You also can’t help but think, “why didn’t I think of that?” The twee 1970’s David Cassidy style typeface used on the cover is a wonderfully cheeky touch too.
‘The Singer’ is the first solo single release for Wy vocalist Ebba Gustafsson Ågren. And whilst her distinctive voice will always be Wy, there are moments when Ebba’s vocal is decidedly more expansive, more free, more personal. The breathy lushness is still there but it is now imbued with richer characterful inflections . She quivers like a higher pitched Marc Bolan during the verse and soars like an early Kate Bush in the chorus.
Musically Ebba sounds ecstatic in this new found freedom too. ‘The Singer’ positively ripples with quirky edginess and humour yet balances this against fragments of wistful sorrow and despairing ennui. ‘The Singer’ is a bit of a slow burn, it’s only when you listen a few times you realise that it communicates on a deeper personal level. And it’s with that in mind that perhaps we’re all a little bit Cuntrie, aren’t we?
‘The Singer’ is released on September 27th on Feverish.