On his fifth single, Birmingham artist Harry Daniels has traded in drums and electric guitar for a purely acoustic track… and it’s fantastic.
This song has an incredible feature that makes it stand out and sound unique – Harrys’ vocals. The first few vocal lines of this song are stripped back and only accompanied by an acoustic guitar. Harry then starts to add layers of lush harmonies creating an almost choral effect. However, once we get past the first chorus, we are greeted with these reverbed backing vocals which add a certain warmth and ambience to the track.
After the second chorus Harry gives us a passionate acoustic guitar section before we hear a few lines of the chorus unaccompanied. It’s in these few solo lines where we get to hear the true capabilities of Harrys’ vocal talents and when the guitar slowly builds back in we get an ending which feels both fitting and deserved. The song is incredibly well paced and whereas I can’t say for definite what Harry is talking about through his lyrics, they sound to me as if the protagonist of the song wishes to go back to a simpler time.
In conclusion, this single is definitely worth checking out. Harry Daniels has created a sound which is both distinctive and sublime in equal measure and I cannot wait to see where his music takes him next.