After hearing the previous single, I was really impressed with the level of quality that the Five O Fives were capable of writing. ‘I Came Around’ was a very catchy song, so coming into the review of the latest release ‘Keep Your Secrets Close’ I am already at the edge of my seat.
Starting the track off is a simple, but very effective roar of the guitar. The record bursts into life and delivers a similar energy to that of the Knack, tinged with a slight fold of Green Day. In terms of vocal deliveries, the band have certainly fulfilled their remit of going for a more aggressive vocal delivery. It’s great to see the group taking a fresh approach to songwriting as it further highlights how comfortable the band are at taking different aspects of different tracks and binding them together.
To bring ‘Keep Your Secrets Close’ to a close, the band does not stop roaring until the very last note in an almost Blondie like fashion. To sum it all up, this single is a brilliant example of true indie alt rock and once again proves that the Five O Fives should surely have a promising future ahead of them if they keep up the quality writing.
‘Keep Your Secrets Close’ is out today.