Weedipus are a newly formed two piece from Yorkshire which consists of Olivia and Zach and who have just released their rather exquisite demo of four songs, Honest, Broken Boy, Places To Go, and finally my personal favourite, We Both Know.
Their sound is a beautifully brazen throwback to 90’s pop-goth which remains on the ever so slightly heavier side of shoegaze. Think of an unwieldy cauldron of Slowdive or maybe House of Love, bubbling up with a pinch of My Bloody Valentine, a wing of Joy Formidable, throw in a splash of The Orielles marinated in a vat of Honeyblood and voila! – the perfect Weedipus content.
The Honeyblood comparison comes from the wonderfully nectar laden vocals with are backed up with enough complexity in the music to hook you and yet, still remain ever so slightly mysterious, thus ensuring that the music doesn’t show its hand at the first opportunity, enabling it to demand further listening and probing so you can uncover the depths within the layers the band have spun.
I really get the sense they’d be top drawer live too I can feel it. Though for everyone’s sanity at the moment, I think that’s a stone best left unturned.
Listen to it when?
Listen to it when you’re mood is wistful. The perfect accompaniment to any reflective space you chose to inhabit in your life. Your commute (if there are any left to be had now), that languid bath time or on a dank, rainy Wednesday.