‘Arterrizer’, the latest single from the Mexico City based Mint Field from the forthcoming album Sentimendo Mundial, is like Shoegaze without the gazing and the shoes merely being optional. The clean, stoner-ey guitars and airy vocals invoke images of cruising down the desert with your best girl or guy, maybe stopping out late to look at the stars in the night sky. Real cool romantic shit. A vibe that I for one definitely fucks with.
And vibes are what the whole Shoegazing thing is about, really. Like, the millions of pedals and effects used by most Shoegaze bands seem like window dressing for the true objective of the genre; to make you feel, man. By breaking down the genre to its core components, Mint Field lay the vibes bare on ‘Arterrizer’ and has made me excited to see what the rest of Sentimento Mundial has in store.