‘Tell Me Your Mind and I’ll Tell You Mine’ is the debut release from Liverpool-based duo, King Hannah. This new six-track EP comes off the back of the singles ‘Meal Deal’ and ‘Creme Brulee’.
You’d be forgiven for thinking, with track names like that, this band and EP would be a light-hearted & fluffy affair. However, what you’re greeted by is a cool and moody sound which drives to the top of the band’s sound through neon guitars.
Tracks like ‘Bill Tench’ and ‘The Sea Has Stretch Marks’ build from relatively humble beginnings. Hannah Merrick’s stylish, gliding vocal and cutting lyrics set you up as the swirling soudscapes push you along on a journey which crescendo’s with atmospheric guitars coming through to leave you soaring.
It’s rare that a new band hit the scene with such a mature and unique sound. You get the feeling that they’re fiercely proud of this. “We don’t want to sound clean or polished,” says the other half of the duo, Craig Whittle, “we want to sound real, and dynamic and authentic.”
It’s sometimes easy to draw comparisons in music. Saying things like “these guys are the new [insert band or artist name here]” or “they remind me of…”. But comparing the sound of King Hannah to anything else out there would cheapen the beautifully crafted work they’ve put together on ‘Tell Me Your Mind and I’ll Tell You Mine’.
We encourage you give this EP a listen. In fact, give it three listens, if you’re not completely sold and find yourself waiting manically for those showstopping guitars & percussion by mid-way through the second listen, give your ears back, they’re defective.
We challenge you to not be nodding along and tapping your foot like a monkey with a cymbal by the end of the second hit of ‘Bill Tench’.