Enchanting singer-songwriter Ena Fay returns with her latest heartwarming 6-track EP, ‘I Can Feel It, Too. Perfectly capturing a passionate artist still at the beginning of her career, the EP is armed with iconic vocals, theatrical sensibilities and classical instrumentation. Gaining support from the likes of When the Horn Blows and FLEX, Fay oozes with star-quality, and with the fantastic new EP, I’m sure we can all agree she’s destined for greatness.
Sharing her thoughts on the EP, Fay states, “The truth is, we all know how it feels to be confused, unfulfilled, or to keep wanting more. For myself as a person, I have found out that it is so much better to speak about how you feel rather than trying to figure it all out by yourself. Also the positive feelings, of course. This is what I am promoting with my new EP ‘I Can Feel It, Too’. As they say – sharing is caring. Not just for the other, but also for yourself. We find ourselves living more passionately.”