Birmingham duo Beroma end 2021 with their new single ‘Millennial Jesus’.
‘Millennial Jesus’ is a track the band say is about “modern Christianity”.
“(it’s) the idea that you could be this really laid back cool cat who’s living their best life but at the same time rely on the idea of an all seeing, eternal loving being to fulfil your dreams, nothing can bring you down from this cloud nine of confidence and self assurance because God is by your side and therefore everything will be just right.” state the duo.
“I don’t believe in God but I like the idea of an invisible presence sorting out all my problems for me and watching my back. It’s like having a ghost for a bodyguard, crazy but sick.”
A static start soon gives way to a poppy melody capped off by the sweet vocals of Fern. A nice build leads up to the chorus, which is the high point of the song. Dreamy and lush, the chorus sweeps over you and is sure to have you singing along. A poignant solo piano melody sees the song out whilst Ferns whistfully sings along as if she was just pottering around in her home daydreaming.
Despite being close to three and a half minutes long the track feels quite short and leaves you wanting more. Which i guess is the sign of a good song.
It will be interesting to see where Beorma go in 2022. ‘Millennial Jesus’ feels a lot closer to an indie pop song than any of their other music which has more of an R&B vibe. I look forward to whatever comes our way from them though.
Gary Tibbs