‘Corncrakes’ is the beautiful new single released by stand out artist Anna B Savage.
Her captivating new single paves the way for her debut album to be released on January 29th, titled ‘A Common Turn’. The track starts with a blissful acoustic guitar, followed patiently by Savage’s soothing lyrics and the heavenly voice of the London singer/songwriter. The track would not feel out of place on anyone’s playlist of exquisite tracks as it builds up into a bold climax as the song reaches its end.
Speaking about the song, Savage stated she felt like she was “getting clues from the universe, and all she needed to do to ‘work it out’ is to piece them together”… something she has done in a graceful fashion.
“I don’t feel things as keenly as I used to” will be the lyric that resonates with you and sticks with you for days to come. I can only imagine the track is a short treat of what we are still to see from this outstanding writer.