Alex The Astronaut has released her first single of 2020 with ‘I Think You’re Great’ and I’ll tell you what, I really do think she is great.
I had the pleasure of seeing Alex play live a couple of years ago at the Aussie BBQ in London and she’s an instantly likeable person. Just her chat and sense of humour between songs and her demeanour, she’s very easy to root for. Add in a great talent for writing a song and this young lady becomes even more impressive.
And that talent for writing songs is why we are here. There’s nothing complicated about Alex’s music but her lyrics are always worth listening to. She’s kind of like an Aussie Billy Bragg in that she writes catchy tunes with an important message and ‘I Think You’re Great’ definitely falls in to that category.
If you’re unfamiliar with Alex The Astronaut (and she’s not a real astronaut, I did ask to be sure when I saw her, it wouldn’t of surprised me if she was though…) then have a listen below and then check out her previous songs as well, ‘Not Worth Hiding’ & ‘Already Home’ are two personal favourites.
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