Saturday September 19th

After organising a secret gig at a location in Digbeth that sold out (400 tickets) in September 2019, Birmingham’s The Novus are at it again. But this time it’s a little different as it will be the first gig in the city post Covid shutdown. And the band have promised all care will be taken to meet the social distance guidelines to provide safety to those in attendance.
“We had a bit of a setback when the PM recently announced the date when live indoor music events could start was pushed back from 1st to the 15th August but we have been working hard on this and are confident it can happen if we follow all the guidelines to keep the audience safe. It is unique doing a gig like this because every step of the way it is a dialogue between us and the audience to make sure they understand all the steps we are taking. Ultimately we want to create a special night to welcome live music back to Birmingham with a line-up including some national names and giving opportunities to other local bands and musicians” says Connor Hill.
In the lead up to the event they band are also hosting a video vlog on their YouTube channel, TNT-The Next Thing detailing the ups and downs of their return to the live stage.
To join the debate and for information and ticket details, anyone interested is being invited to sign up to The Novus mailing list here.