20 For 20 – Single Of The Year

20 For 20 – Single Of The Year

20 For 20 is a new feature where I look back at 20 of my favourite things that has happened in the music world in 2020.

The penultimate 20 For 20 is for my Single of the Year. As with every year there are a number of singles released that quickly find a place in both your head and your heart. Some may lose their impact after a couple of weeks of listening whilst others stay the distance.

I got my list of singles that I loved/liked in 2020 down to a mere 71 songs ha ha. You can see, and listen, to the list below. The list is in no particular order except for the song at the top of the list. That song is ‘Midnight’ by San Mei. My 2020 Single of the Year.

‘Midnight’ is a song I needed only one listen to to fall in love with and know it was most likely going to be my favourite song this year. It’s both stunning and emotional. You can read the review I did of the song when it was released back in August here. Listening again now at the time of writing this feature I get the same feels as I did the very first time I heard it. It’s simply beautiful.

There are two songs who were just a fraction short of ending up Single of the Year. Both songs are amazing and if you say ‘Midnight’ is 10 out of 10 then these two were 9.9 out of 10, ‘Lie To Me’ by Tired Lion and ‘Scream Drive Faster’ by Laurel.

Hopefully there will be some songs on the playlist that you fell in love with too.
